Materia (italian for Primary Matter) is, according to ancient alchemists,
the primitive base of all matter like earth, water, air, and fire.
We believe every food product has its own Prima Materia.
In food, the primary matter is its main ingredient, its essence.
Our aim is to find the Prima Materia of each ingredient
in our products, by identifying among the places we visit, the ones
that express its essence and purity. The way we see it: Prima
Materia is what inspires whoever intends to free or shape
an original, primitive taste and bring it to life. In tasting our
marzipan, for example, one can easily recognize the flavor and freshness
of Sicilian almonds. Our basic ingredients and our finished products
all have one thing in common: They are about origins, authenticity,
and flavorthe Prima Materia of our company mission.